Learn to podcast without burnout

Step-by-step video lessons from an industry veteran of 10+ years. Get 50% off the course today.

Go from idea to launch
Create a high-quality podcast
Learn the entire production process
Create your first 50 episodes
Reach your first 1,000 listeners
Trusted by the best
podcasters, businesses, and creators.
Ignite your podcast
Ignite your podcast

Starting a podcast could
change your life…


It can expand your network, opening doors for your career or sparking a new lifelong friendship. It can grow your business, driving sales, partnerships, and customer loyalty. It can create change in the world, like solving a cold case to bring justice or sharing an inspiring story that brings hope to people.

I've seen the life-changing power of podcasts first-hand.

Launching your first podcast is scary.

There's a problem

Does this sound familiar?

You're procrastinating
You’re afraid of what others will say
You’re overwhelmed by the technical details
You’re hungry for a community to be inspired

Or maybe you already tried to start one...

The audio quality sounded bad
The conversation lacked a clear purpose
You didn't know how to market it
Nobody showed up to listen

Podcast Primer

An online course to boost your confidence, clarify your vision, and
learn how to create a podcast with long-term success.

See what's inside

Avoid the 4 biggest mistakes new podcasters make.


no  storytelling

Burning Out

Low-quality production

What’s included? 

12+ video

Learn everything you need to turn your idea to a successful podcast, with on-demand video lessons.

Private community

Meet other podcasters, ask for feedback, and get inspired in the private Podcast Primer Facebook Group. Coming Soon.

Expert office hours

Get direct feedback and ask questions on the occasional group video call with your instructor, Jacob. Coming Soon.

Bonus resource library

Get access to exclusive podcasts, webinars, templates, and a growing list of high-quality resources.

Meet your instructor

Hey, I’m Jacob Bozarth.

I’ve been a full-time podcast professional for the last 10+ years, executive producer of two #1 podcasts, and have been recording and editing since 2005.

Back in 2005 I transformed my parent's bedroom into a studio and downloaded Audacity on the family desktop using Windows 99 and dial up internet.

It was slow, and at times frustrating, trying to figure everything out for myself. But I grew to love it, and my newfound passion led me to Middle Tennessee State University where I earned a degree in recording and production.

In 2014 I started a podcast production agency that has worked with thousands of podcasters - including 16 number-one shows in all of Apple, and brands like Honda, Amazon, Twitter, and Salesforce.

Over the past 10 years, I’ve experienced the art of podcasting from many different angles. I’ve produced two hit true crime podcasts, Culpable and Up and Vanished, worked with hundreds of hobbyists to launch their passion project; and helped businesses grow their audiences and drive sales through podcasts.

Podcast Primer is where I’m pulling back the curtain after 10+ years on my step-by-step process to launch a successful show.

Jacob Bozarth

Who is this course for?

Anyone is welcome, but it's not built for everyone.

Is a great fit if: 

You’re new to podcasting

You've created 0-5 episodes

You’ve thought about starting a show for a long time, but you need the motivation

You are willing to put in the work to refine your ideas

You care about creating high-quality content (not perfect, but great!)

is Not a great fit if: 

You have an established podcast with over 10 episodes

You get over 1000 downloads per episode

You want to get-rich quick on your podcast

Your podcast roadmap

50+ bite-sized video lessons that take you from an idea in your head to episode 50 in Apple Podcasts!


Learn to create a clear vision, theme, format, structure, ideal listener, and name for your podcast.

You'll learn:

How to confront your inner critic and get in the right headspace to launch a podcast
Create a podcast with top quality
Learn the entire production process
Create your first 50 episodes
Reach your first 1,000 listeners
Module 1


Learn how to create all the essential assets that make up a successful launch, like your podcast brand style, cover art, music, intro and outro, and trailer.

You'll learn:

Fundamental tips about design tools
How to craft compelling cover art that stands out in listening apps
How to source and pick royalty-free podcast music for sonic branding
How to craft an exciting intro and outro to hook listeners and build a listening ritual
How to create an evergreen trailer to tease out the show
Module 2


Learn how to record, edit, and mix your podcast so it sounds professional, clear, and high-quality.

You'll learn:

How to record no matter what your setup is like, including remote recording, in-person recording, and all the proper mic techniques you need to know
An overview of all the editing software available to you
How to edit your podcast to keep listeners engaged, remove distractions, and create a more compelling storyline
How to mix and master your audio to the right levels, so it sounds clean, clear, and professional (removing background noise, and more)
How to add music and sound effects to enhance your audio
Module 3


By the end of this section you’ll have a podcast that is published on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon Music, and more!

You'll learn:

All you need to know about podcast hosting, setting up an RSS feed, and submitting your show to directories like Apple Podcasts, Spotify, YouTube, Amazon Music, and more
Why you should use transcriptions and show notes, and how to make them
A simple marketing strategy to market your podcast with repurposing content, short-form video clips, podcast search optimization, and more
How to know when you’re ready to launch
The exact strategy I’ve used to launch a show that hit #1 in Apple Podcasts
Module 4

Got questions?


take the first step to launch your podcast!

Get the course half off for a limited time.

50% Off
$249.50 $499

Podcast Primer


Lifetime access to 12 current plus ALL future lessons in Podcast Primer.

1:1 coaching call for first 10 signups

Early access to the course. Get in early while the course is being built.

New lessons added weekly during early-bird window.

Download our workbook to get step-by-step guidance.

$800+ in discounts on software & products such as Sweetwater Sound, Headliner, PodOps, Alitu, Resound, & more.

Bonus resources (coming soon)

Private community (coming soon)

Expert office hours (coming soon)

Get The Course